Mona Esser
Mona uses mystical healing techniques like face reading, astrology, human design, numerology, yogic science, chakra dance healing and intuitive channeling to tune into your being as a whole. By applying these ancient yet modern esoteric practices be-shen offers 1:1 work and group sessions with healing guidance that deliver a clear roadmap to transformation.
be-shen is your transformative guide to understanding your true nature and activating more of your spirit and inner glow: your shen. The purpose of your life is to be undeniably yourself, by combining your unique abilities and divine talents with the wisdom from your life’s experience.
Upcoming schedule
be-shen mystical morning at SKY TING
Turn the string of life into the circle of completion and surrender. Snake, Shakti, Serpent power!
We have reached the middle of winter and entered the official snake new year!
Jupiter, the biggest planet in our system and Uranus, the big awakener, both just turned direct this week which is giving us some extra boost for the second half of the Aquarius season. A new reality is being built and you are the source, designer, creator and genius behind all of it!
be-shen mystical morning at SKY TING is happening on Friday February 7th at 11 am est IRL and via zoom!
Join us for an hour of mystical morning dialing into your high level visions that this precious and charged aquarius season brings to you. Let’s anchor ourselves into the infinite vastness of possibilities and learnings that is supported by the cosmic weather right now! Come practice in community and move your being into a wider consciousness of celestial light connection.
be-shen will be guiding you through an hour filled with a centering circle breathwork, wood snake shape installation practice, a celestial surrender meditation, an intentional journaling + channeling practice, and directional intuitive teachings for 2025 including an astrology + numerology download which will help you honor the uniqueness of your being + open you up to growth and glory that this time of the year holds for you!
Please wear beautiful, flowy and comforting clothes for this class. Please bring yourself, a jewelry chain, a piece of wrapping paper, something sweet you love this winter: like a dried fruit, nuts, cookies etc, a journal or piece of paper, a pen, a soft scarf and some water/tea if you wish.
Our intention for this mystical morning is for you to leave feeling elevated and inspired, holding a deeper connection to your inner self and grounded in the world that surrounds you.
be-shen mystical morning brings the art of ceremony + celebration of celestial, spiritual, earthly events back to our modern consciousness. This offering strengthens our re-connection to ritual which all human forms before us committed to daily.
Door opens at 10:45 AM
please arrive by 10:50 AM latest.
Class starts on time at 11:00 AM.
sign up now - IRL or via zoom
only limited spots available IRL
60 min
be-shen mystical morning at SKY TING
Turn the string of life into the circle of completion and surrender. Snake, Shakti, Serpent power!
We have reached the middle of winter and entered the official snake new year!
Jupiter, the biggest planet in our system and Uranus, the big awakener, both just turned direct this week which is giving us some extra boost for the second half of the Aquarius season. A new reality is being built and you are the source, designer, creator and genius behind all of it!
be-shen mystical morning at SKY TING is happening on Friday February 7th at 11 am est IRL and via zoom!
Join us for an hour of mystical morning dialing into your high level visions that this precious and charged aquarius season brings to you. Let’s anchor ourselves into the infinite vastness of possibilities and learnings that is supported by the cosmic weather right now! Come practice in community and move your being into a wider consciousness of celestial light connection.
be-shen will be guiding you through an hour filled with a centering circle breathwork, wood snake shape installation practice, a celestial surrender meditation, an intentional journaling + channeling practice, and directional intuitive teachings for 2025 including an astrology + numerology download which will help you honor the uniqueness of your being + open you up to growth and glory that this time of the year holds for you!
Please wear beautiful, flowy and comforting clothes for this class. Please bring yourself, a jewelry chain, a piece of wrapping paper, something sweet you love this winter: like a dried fruit, nuts, cookies etc, a journal or piece of paper, a pen, a soft scarf and some water/tea if you wish.
Our intention for this mystical morning is for you to leave feeling elevated and inspired, holding a deeper connection to your inner self and grounded in the world that surrounds you.
be-shen mystical morning brings the art of ceremony + celebration of celestial, spiritual, earthly events back to our modern consciousness. This offering strengthens our re-connection to ritual which all human forms before us committed to daily.
Door opens at 10:45 AM
please arrive by 10:50 AM latest.
Class starts on time at 11:00 AM.
sign up now - IRL or via zoom
only limited spots available IRL
be-shen mystical morning at SKY TING
Turn the string of life into the circle of completion and surrender. Snake, Shakti, Serpent power!
We have reached the middle of winter and entered the official snake new year!
Jupiter, the biggest planet in our system and Uranus, the big awakener, both just turned direct this week which is giving us some extra boost for the second half of the Aquarius season. A new reality is being built and you are the source, designer, creator and genius behind all of it!
be-shen mystical morning at SKY TING is happening on Friday February 7th at 11 am est IRL and via zoom!
Join us for an hour of mystical morning dialing into your high level visions that this precious and charged aquarius season brings to you. Let’s anchor ourselves into the infinite vastness of possibilities and learnings that is supported by the cosmic weather right now! Come practice in community and move your being into a wider consciousness of celestial light connection.
be-shen will be guiding you through an hour filled with a centering circle breathwork, wood snake shape installation practice, a celestial surrender meditation, an intentional journaling + channeling practice, and directional intuitive teachings for 2025 including an astrology + numerology download which will help you honor the uniqueness of your being + open you up to growth and glory that this time of the year holds for you!
Please wear beautiful, flowy and comforting clothes for this class. Please bring yourself, a jewelry chain, a piece of wrapping paper, something sweet you love this winter: like a dried fruit, nuts, cookies etc, a journal or piece of paper, a pen, a soft scarf and some water/tea if you wish.
Our intention for this mystical morning is for you to leave feeling elevated and inspired, holding a deeper connection to your inner self and grounded in the world that surrounds you.
be-shen mystical morning brings the art of ceremony + celebration of celestial, spiritual, earthly events back to our modern consciousness. This offering strengthens our re-connection to ritual which all human forms before us committed to daily.
Door opens at 10:45 AM
please arrive by 10:50 AM latest.
Class starts on time at 11:00 AM.
sign up now - IRL or via zoom
only limited spots available IRL
60 min
be-shen mystical morning at SKY TING
Turn the string of life into the circle of completion and surrender. Snake, Shakti, Serpent power!
We have reached the middle of winter and entered the official snake new year!
Jupiter, the biggest planet in our system and Uranus, the big awakener, both just turned direct this week which is giving us some extra boost for the second half of the Aquarius season. A new reality is being built and you are the source, designer, creator and genius behind all of it!
be-shen mystical morning at SKY TING is happening on Friday February 7th at 11 am est IRL and via zoom!
Join us for an hour of mystical morning dialing into your high level visions that this precious and charged aquarius season brings to you. Let’s anchor ourselves into the infinite vastness of possibilities and learnings that is supported by the cosmic weather right now! Come practice in community and move your being into a wider consciousness of celestial light connection.
be-shen will be guiding you through an hour filled with a centering circle breathwork, wood snake shape installation practice, a celestial surrender meditation, an intentional journaling + channeling practice, and directional intuitive teachings for 2025 including an astrology + numerology download which will help you honor the uniqueness of your being + open you up to growth and glory that this time of the year holds for you!
Please wear beautiful, flowy and comforting clothes for this class. Please bring yourself, a jewelry chain, a piece of wrapping paper, something sweet you love this winter: like a dried fruit, nuts, cookies etc, a journal or piece of paper, a pen, a soft scarf and some water/tea if you wish.
Our intention for this mystical morning is for you to leave feeling elevated and inspired, holding a deeper connection to your inner self and grounded in the world that surrounds you.
be-shen mystical morning brings the art of ceremony + celebration of celestial, spiritual, earthly events back to our modern consciousness. This offering strengthens our re-connection to ritual which all human forms before us committed to daily.
Door opens at 10:45 AM
please arrive by 10:50 AM latest.
Class starts on time at 11:00 AM.
sign up now - IRL or via zoom
only limited spots available IRL
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